Operation Helping Hands

Join us in helping families and small businesses impacted by COVID-19

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Our thoughts are with everyone who has been impacted by the evolving COVID-19 pandemic. In this uncertain time, we ask you to stay safe and informed, and continue to follow our leaders’ safety precautions and instructions. Now more than ever we stand together to fight for a #StrongerMiami – and need your support.

United Way of Miami-Dade and the Miami Herald/el Nuevo Herald, joined by media partner Univision 23 Miami, have activated Operation Helping Hands, an emergency response initiative to raise funds and recruit volunteers to help with crisis recovery and relief efforts. A collaborative of local partner funders have joined this response effort to establish the Miami Pandemic Response Fund. The Fund will support struggling families with emergency needs including rent/mortgage assistance, food, medication, utilities as well as issue micro-grants to small businesses. To learn more about the fund and our partners, www.unitedwaymiami.org/covid19.

You can help by donating below.

Together, we can help our community weather unprecedented and uncertain times. Together we stand for a #StrongerMiami.

Donate Now via the online form below.

To donate by phone, call 1-800-226-3320

To donate via PayPal, click here

For more information, contact caring@unitedwaymiami.org

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Mar 01, 2025

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A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the Division of Consumer Services by calling 1-800-HELP-FLA (435-7352) toll-free within the state or by visiting www.FloridaConsumerHelp.com. Registration does not imply endorsement, approval or recommendation by the state. 100% of contributions are received by United Way Miami. Registration number: SC-00630.

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